Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010


First try. It's me, more or less.

Erster Versuch. Ich, mehr oder weniger.

15x15 cm / Öl auf Malplatte

1 Kommentar:

Caio Fern hat gesagt…

hallo Nicole !!
ich liebe ihre malereis !!
i never know if my german is correct , but i just mean that i loved what i saw here !!
i like your way to work with colors .
this selbstportrait ist sher schon !!
i liked the pupy too .

your way to work the paint has a velet toch .
i don't know if is something you do or the paint that comes this way alread , but i alaways wished to give this feeling to my works !!

thank you very much for your visit .